Shareholders Consultative Committee

Shareholders Consultative Committee

For over 30 years, the Shareholders Consultative Committee has enhanced the Group’s communications with its shareholders. The Committee’s objective is to promote regular, informative and high-quality dialogue.

Composition of the Committee

The Shareholders Consultative Committee is made up of 12 individual shareholders appointed for a term of three years.


The Committee works to improve Societe Generale’s dialogue with individual shareholders in three ways:

  • By forming an opinion on individual shareholder policies
  • By offering proposals on various aspects of communications and relations with individual shareholders (media, communications initiatives, etc.)
  • By expressing individual shareholders’ expectations to Senior Management.
Preview image for the video "Comité consultatif des actionnaires_2023".

For over 30 years, the Shareholders Consultative Committee has enhanced the Group’s communications with its shareholders. The Committee’s objective is to promote regular, informative and high-quality dialogue.

Composition of the Committee

The Shareholders Consultative Committee is made up of 12 individual shareholders appointed for a term of three years.


The Committee works to improve Societe Generale’s dialogue with individual shareholders in three ways:

  • By forming an opinion on individual shareholder policies
  • By offering proposals on various aspects of communications and relations with individual shareholders (media, communications initiatives, etc.)
  • By expressing individual shareholders’ expectations to Senior Management.