Share Capital

Breakdown of capital as of 31 December 2023

Shareholders % of capital stock % of voting rights
Employee shareholding – savings plans 9.84% 14.94%
BlackRock, Inc
5.80% 5.31%
The Capital Group Companies, Inc
2.27% 2.08%
Amundi 3.42% 3.13%
Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations
2.46% 2.91%
BNPP AM 2.91% 2.75%
Free float 72.44% 68.11%
Share buybacks 0.84% 0.77%
TOTAL 100% 100%
Calculation base 802,979,942   877,042,414

Stock Information

Nature Ordinary share
Country France
Share's nominal value EUR 1.25
Location Euronext Paris
ISIN code FR0000130809
Main indices CAC 40
Oj EuroSTOXX 50
Euronext 100
FTS EuroFirst 80
FTS EuroFirst 100
FTSE 4 good
ASPI Eurozone
SRD Eligibility Yes
PEA Eligibility Yes

American Depositary Receipt

An ADR (American Depositary Receipt) programme has been active in the US since 1st July, 1993.

Ratio 5 ADR represent 1 Societe Generale share
Stock Market New York
Tracking range OTC
Codes Ticker symbol: SCGLY
Cusip Number: 83364L109
Authorized agent Bank of New York

Contact: The Bank of New York Investor Services
P.O. Box 11258 Church Street Station New York
NY 10286-1258
Tel : 212-815-3700